The Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence in Talent Strategy for Enterprise Organizations

Learn to attract and retain top talent using AI technology with this proprietary six-part framework.


Finding, recruiting, and retaining talent is a constant challenge in business.

The best hedge that enterprise organizations have against this challenge is to build a culture of employee advocacy, which used to be easier said than done.

With the emerging role of AI technology, employee advocacy is now easier to cultivate, if you know the right steps.

In this whitepaper, we’ll break down the six-part framework you can use to foster a culture of employee advocacy that will allow your workforce to become an authentic voice of your brand.

Bring your brand to life with AI-assisted employee advocacy.

Download this free whitepaper

to see the numbers and learn how to implement an employee advocacy program that will generate 1 million organic impressions in as little as 30 days.

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